CountryDE, ES, FR, GR, IT
CallJTC 2014


Genetic and cellular intratumor heterogeneity as predictor of chronic lymphocytic leukemia outcome and treatment resistance

Project Coordinator 

  • Olivier BERNARD
    • INSERM U1170, Institut Gustave Roussy
    • France

Project Partners 

  • Elias CAMPO
    • Fundació Privada Clinic per a la Recerca Biomèdica/Hospital Clinic c/Rosello
    • Barcelona - Spain
  • Thorsten ZENZ
    • DKFZ / NCT, Dept. of Translational Oncology
    • Heidelberg - Germany
  • Wolfgang HUBER
    • European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
    • Heidelberg - Germany
    • nstitute of Applied Biosciences, CERTH | Center for Research and Technology Hellas
    • Thessaloniki - Greece
  • Paolo GHIA
    • Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
    • Milan - Italy
  • Gonzalo R. Ordonez
    • DREAMgenics Parque Tecnológico de Asturias
    • Llanera, Asturias - Spain