TRANSCAN-3 launched its second Joint Transnational Call (JTC) for research proposals in May 2022 (JTC 2022). In the framework of this call, 24 funding organizations from 17 countries, together with the EC, joined forces to fund the best collaborative transnational research projects under the topic of "Novel translational approaches to tackle the challenges of hard-to-treat cancers from early diagnosis to therapy". Ultimately, 14 transnational consortia were selected for funding with a total budget of 15.13 million Euros.
JTC 2022 Call statistics
The table below shows the number of countries and research groups for submitted pre-proposals, full proposals and funded projects. The overall success rate between the pre-proposals and the funded projects is 20% and the success rate referred to the full proposals is 35%.
The graph below shows the gender distribution of coordinators for the funded projects which reflects a low difference between male and female coordinators distribution.
The following graph shows the cancer types studied in the funded projects' framework. As illustrated, four cancer types are covered in the allocated projects of this call. The oesophagus type is less represented while the pancreas, the glioblastoma, and the liver and bile conducts type are equally studied.
The graph below displays the geographical distribution of the coordinators and partners in the funded projects. As depicted, coordinators come from 7 different countries, the partners come from 14 different countries, and there are 4 research groups that will participate in funded projects that will not receive funding from the consortium.
The following graph presents the budget dedicated (M€) for the funded projects by funding organisations. The total budget invested in this call is 15.1 M€.